The Divided Woman is everywhere. You've seen and related to her in every form of storytelling, from sacred literature, and movies, to Broadway plays, novels and television, even in history books. The hardest part of recognizing the Queen, is seeing her constituent parts in The Divided Woman. Here's a short video that explains the Divided Woman archetype, and how she goes from Divided to Crowned.
This is a brief introduction to the Divided Woman archetype. The Divided Woman is not an "ideal" but an archetypal structure that women experience from the time we are young girls, throughout our adult lives. If we successfully navigate the archetypal path before us, we can move from Divided Woman to United Queen by moving through the archetypal journey of the Queen's Path with awareness. It is is when archetypes go hidden or unnamed that they are dangerous, operating in the shadows of culture.
The theory of the Divided Woman Archetype was presented and recorded at the FemmePyre summit in Los Angeles. Several women from different backgrounds were invited to discuss how the Divided Woman impacts their work, research, advocacy, and more. Here is a short piece combining these perspectives from women who work with other women, and who find themselves on the Queen's Path.
I have adapted the Queen's Path, and the Divided Woman's story for any kind of storytelling or narrative. These archetypal forms are more than just a story model. There is a whole archetypal journey, and we have only been given the version that is accepted by society. By learning the analog to the Hero's Journey, we can help all women be free of the Divide.
(Please forgive the colors in the slides it was originally presented in a bright room, and so needed a background.)