To be released February 18, 2025! Order here!
This book helps anyone who is even a little bit curious about psilocybin or psychedelics in general.
Mushroom Pharmacy: A Practical Guide to Psychedelic Mushrooms includes a basic explanation of the neuroscience as we currently understand it. Psilocybin (and its prodrug psilocin) is a classic psychedelic, along with LSD, mescaline, and DMT. The ingestion of psilocybin acts on networks that are sensitive to serotonin (they are similar in chemical structure). That means that anywhere a human being has a high density of serotonin receptors like the visual cortex there will be activation. Mushroom Pharmacy also examines several theories of activation, including the theory of the entropic brain, which shows evidence that in the presence of psychedelics, the default mode network (DMN) is deactivated, allowing greater communication between different brain regions.
The book covers dozens of varieties and species of psilocybin mushrooms. It also discusses how to forage for mushrooms, how to identify certain species, and how to think about psychedelic journeys from a therapeutic or mind-expanding perspective. The book is replete with research from around the globe on how psychedelics are being used in everything from depression to treatment for PTSD and pain management. The book also examines the laws in different countries and an examination of what states and countries are considering changing their laws around psilocybin.
Pre-order Your Copy of Mushroom Pharmacy: A Practical Guide to Psychedelic Mushrooms!
Released November 5, 2024, this book is the result of ten years of research to validate the discovery of an analog to the hero's journey for women driven narrative. What was discovered was NOT a heroine's journey, but a completely different model that tells the story of WOMEN'S SOVEREIGNTY. From the oldest woman-driven narrative, the epic poem describing the descent of Innana, to the Hebrew and Western scriptures, all the way to modern movies, novels, and even memoirs and self-reflection like self-generated narratives in psychotherapy and coaching. Since the 1970's we have been telling the story of a "hero" based on Joseph Campbell's assertion that the story of the her was THE monomyth of all human experience. Women's lives to fit the traditional hero's (or heroine's) journey. Women have our very own monomyth, that is universal to women who live within patriarchal societies, which is most of us.
The Queen's Path is a guide for real women who want to understand their own stories, for writers who want to write better women-driven narratives, and for psychotherapists who want to help their women patients understand their life patterns better.
Feels pretty good to be sitting next to The Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell. The Queen's Path is a Top 10 title on Amazon!